Games of Daze
Infomagic - Games of Daze (Summer 1995) (Disc 1 of 2).iso
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Text File
169 lines
; Music .INC interface for the PS16 drivers.
; NOTE: This file is subject to change up until the initial release of the PS16
; tools.
Mus_Init = 0
Mus_Close = 1
Mus_PlayMusic = 2
Mus_StopMusic = 3
Mus_SpeakerOn = 4
Mus_SpeakerOff = 5
Mus_RetVoice = 6
Mus_LoadSample = 7
Mus_Poll = 8
Mus_StartSample = 9
Mus_StopSample = 10
PS_NoLoop = 0
PS_Loop = 1
struc SC
ioPort dw ? ; card port
cardIRQ dw ? ; Either DMA IRQ (SB) or GF1 IRQ (GUS)
midiIRQ dw ? ; GUS Only
dmaChannelIn dw ? ; For GUS only
dmaChannelOut dw ? ; SB out DMA channel
mixvolseg dw ? ; 4k/8k/16k volume table and 2-4k buffer.
sizebuf dw ? ; Size of mixing buffer.
ends SC
struc pt_Offsets
pt_doramp dd ?
pt_volequ dd ?
pt_SetVoice dd ?
pt_PlayVol dd ?
pt_PlayNote dd ?
pt_PerNop dd ?
pt_PerNop2 dd ?
pt_StartChannel dd ?
pt_StartOver dd ?
pt_ExtTempo dd ?
ends pt_Offsets
; This structure is passed to the play music routine.
struc PM
stereoOn db 0 ; I ; 0-Off, 1-On
SamplingRate dw 0 ; I ; Current sampling rate. Ignore on GUS.
MStatus db 0 ; O ; Music status (0=Playing, 1=Stop/Stopped)
MaxVolume db 240 ; IO ; Max volume of song.
SongLen db 0 ; I ; Length of song, from PS16Header.
NumChannels dw 4 ; I ; Number of module channels (MOD - 4).
MaxChannels dw 4 ; I ; Maximum channels to mix.
CallsPerSec dw 70 ; I ; Times mixer will be called(>50).Ignore on GUS.
TruePanning db 1 ; I ; Turns on balanced left/right panning (1-On)
SequencesLoc dd 0 ; I ; Location of sequences, in PS16Header.
SamplesLoc dd 0 ; I ; Location of sample structures, in PS16Header.
InsLoc dd 0 ; I ; Location of samples in RAM/DRAM.
PatternsLoc dd 0 ; I ; Location of the patterns segments.
ChannelsLoc dd 0 ; I ; Location of channel MS structs = NumChannels.
; Protracker specific stuff.
mt_speed db 6 ; IO ; Current speed (Cmd F).
mt_counter db 0 ; IO ; Current counter.
mt_SongPos db 0 ; IO ; Current song position.
mt_PatternPos dw 0 ; IO ; Current pattern position.
mt_PatternPosSeg dw 0 ; I ; Location of 3k pattern decompression buffer.
mt_SavePPos dw 0 ; O ; Actual pattern position aligned to 48.
mt_PlayStatus db 0 ; IO ; Current playing status (0-Quit music at end).
; (1-Loop music).
mt_EditPat dw 0 ; O ; Current editing pattern.
mt_EditSeg dw 0 ; O ; Current editing segment.
mt_EditOfs dw 0 ; O ; Current editing offset.
mt_PeriodTable dd 0 ; O ; Location of the Period Table.
ends PM
struc CD
sofs dw ?
sseg dw ?
srepeat dw ?
sreplen dw ?
slen dw ?
sRemainder dw ?
sStep dw ?
sOffsetR dw ?
sLoopEnd dw ?
svol db ?
sactive db ?
sspeaker dw ?
ends CD
struc PS16Sample
bitstruc db ?
; 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
; │ │ │ └─ 0 - Digital, 1 - Synthesized
; │ │ └─── (if bit 0=1) 0 - FM, 1 - Waveform
; │ └───── 0 - 8-bit, 1 - 16-bit.
; └─────── 0 - Signed, 1 - Unsigned
volume db ?
finetune db ?
length dd ?
repeat dd ?
replen dd ?
c2freq dw ?
ends PS16Sample
struc PS16Header
Sig db 5 dup (0)
SongName db 75 dup (0)
TypeOfFile db 0 ; 0 - Module, 1 - Song
commentofs dd 0
sversion db 0
numpatterns db 0
totalPatternSize dd 0
SongLen db 0
Sequences db 128 dup (0)
Samples db 31*size PS16Sample dup (0)
ends PS16Header
;│ Original Amiga equates by Lars "Zap" Hamre. Converted to IBM structure │
;│ by Joshua C. Jensen. │
struc MS
note db 0
cmd db 0
cmdlo db 0
start dd 0
length dd 0
loopstart dd 0
replen dd 0
period dw 0
volume db 0
finetune db 0
toneportdirec db 0
toneportspeed db 0
wantedperiod dw 0
vibratocmd db 0
vibratopos db 0
tremolocmd db 0
tremolopos db 0
wavecontrol db 0
glissfunk db 0
sampleoffset db 0
pattpos db 0
loopcount db 0
funkoffset db 0
wavestart dd 0
reallength dw 0
MasterVolume db 0
SampleNum db 0
sc_Mode db 0
sc_PanPosition db 0
sc_Voice db 0
sc_Vol dw 0
sc_Note dw 0
sc_Repeat dw 0
sc_Replen dw 0
DecVolume db 0
ends MS
segment PTSeg
ends PTSeg
segment GUSSeg
ends GUSSeg
segment SBSeg
ends SBSeg